Javed Photos

Photography is about simplicity.

Javed Photos

Experience life through photos

"Featured Images"

Morning View

A fisherman atop a Boat, scattering the net.

beautiful Rice field

Malino Tinggimoncong, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.


Bawakaraeng Mountain is located in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi.
this mountain has an important position because it is a source of water storage for the Gowa Regency.
Post :10 top of the mountain

For a photographer, what I require the most is space to roam freely around, to shoot and explore. However, I do not have that freedom to wander. My movements as a refugee are limited by local authorities. However, I occasionally get out of the city for photography adventures. My local friends who are photographers take me with them to breathtaking scenes, landscapes and locations.
Javed Photos
panorama picture view of makassar city

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