Javed Photos

Photography is about simplicity.

28 April 2022

Our lives are like a journey of train. People get on and get off at their respective stations. With some we get acquainted, with some we get close but only with a few we get intimate.
I am very proud to call you both as my intimate friends. The time we sat together, spent together, bantered together, and laughed together are molded in a shape of indelible memories, which are permanently etched into the walls of my heart and as long as I live I shall cherish them with utmost pride and fondness.
The only good thing happened to me in Indonesia is earning your invaluable friendship.
Thank you friends for your love, support, memories, and your friendship.
Tonight I undergo a mixed feeling. On one hand, I am exceptionally delighted to see you both off towards freedom while, on the other hand, I am sad to find myself in a position where I can’t have you both around in person.
Anyhoo, here is my heartfelt wish to you. May you both have a life blessed with health, joy, light and freedom.
thank you for the post you write down and share your feeling i really appreciate it.
 see you soon in Canada dear Izzat ullah izzat

thank you for the everything that you do for me and i never forget that.
wish you all the best luck

28 April 2022 Makassar city