Javed Photos

Photography is about simplicity.

Javed Aazra, a refugee from Afghanistan, has been living in limbo in Indonesia since 2013.

Despite the many hardships, instability, and uncertainty he has faced while awaiting resettlement, Javed Aazra has used his confinement to obtain an education in photography (Michigan State University) and graphic design (California Institute of The Arts) through Coursera.

I cordially extend my sincerest gratitude to my teachers Peter Glendinning (MFA, Syracuse University), Professor of Arts and Photography, MSU, and Mark Sullivan (DMA, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Associate Professor of Composition, MSU. My appreciation again.

Artist’s Statement

A refugee must be strong and determined to stick to his resilience and commitment while beholding what happens in front of him.

I focus on my skills. I don’t want to squander my time over non-fruitful things while I’m awaiting my resettlement process.

I eagerly push myself on, strengthening my newly built skill and striving to live up to the level of expectation I envision. I always try to wholeheartedly participate so I can learn many more things. It is good for me to be busy rather than indulge in the destruction of stress, tension, depression, and all other evils that could prove deadly if I let them eat at me.

Online courses and other photography-related activities have been a vital portion of my daily routines. Although challenges popped up to distract me or discourage me from what I was doing, they have not succeeded in taking me down. My vision and my determination have stood the test of time. The hindrances I face have failed to deter me, break me, or cause me to falter.

For a photographer, what I require the most is space to roam freely around, shoot, and explore. However, I do not have that freedom to wander. My movements as a refugee are limited by local authorities. However, I occasionally get out of the city for photography adventures. My local friends who are photographers take me with them to breathtaking scenes, landscapes and locations.

I find myself immersed in shooting pictures so profoundly that I forget the risks. Come what may, nothing means more to me than photography. It is my passion, my vision, and my inseparable part.

My Message to Refugees

My message to all my fellow immigrants – wherever you are and how far you are from your families, please don’t lose your hope. Be strong and fight for your rights. Learn something that would frame your future into something valuable and demanding. Do something good and stay positive.

I hope there are no more wars, persecution, and killings and that we can have a free world for everyone regardless of their creed, caste, race, color, and religion. This planet is far more than enough for all of us, if we love, accept, and respect each other with all our diversities. Let’s hop onto the bus of fraternity and co-existence and let everyone live their lives.


Michigan State University, Coursera

  • Camera, Exposure, and Photography
  • Photography, Techniques, Light, Content, and Sharing
  • Principles of Photo Composition and Digital Image Post-Production
  • Photography Capstone Project
  • Photography Basics and Beyond from Smartphones to DSLR

California Institute of The Arts, Coursera

  • Fundamentals of Graphic Design
  • Introduction to Typography
  • Introduction to Imagemaking
  • Ideas from the History of Graphic Design
  • Brand New Brand

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